Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Boxed Easter Goodies for Easter Tree

Hi all,
Well I have finally got my act into gear to do another post.  My Easter tree I promised with the boxes of decorations I have made up, ready to give out next year.  Unfortunately I am only showing you two of the five boxes that I made as the other three are still waiting for decorations!!!!  I know, but these were very time consuming to make.
 Unfortunately not a great photo and the branches were a bit iffy!  I have the pink box I previously showed you and one of the new boxes with all the bits and pieces on the tree.
 Box number one decorated, I wanted to keep it clean and crisp for Easter.
 The flight of the butterflies.
 A closer look at the boxes.
The top of the tree.
I know we are a way off Easter but I put so much time and effort into these I just thought I should show you.  I have also been busy making presents for friends and teachers so I will be posting those as soon as I can.  I try and write directions for everything I do and I do have the box instructions, just not that happy with them but if you would like them just let me know.
Thanks for stopping by and I promise there will be no more Easter creations this year.
Have a lovely night........

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